* NOOP Main module.
* @namespace noop
* @author cisco211
* @copyright © 2019 by "cisco211"
* @version 0.100
(function(noop, undefined)
'use strict';
// #region Private
* @summary Byte to human unit string array.
* @private
* @static
* @const
* @memberof noop
* @type {array.<string>}
const byte2humanUnits_ =
]; // var byte2humanUnits_
* @summary Byte to human unit string array size.
* @private
* @static
* @const
* @memberof noop
* @type {integer}
const byte2humanUnitsLength_ = byte2humanUnits_.length;
// #endregion Private
// #region Public
* @summary Size in bytes to human readable size.
* @function byte2human
* @memberof noop
* @param {(number|string)} size - A number representing size in bytes.
* @param {boolean} reverse - A boolean flag to reverse the math (human -> bytes).
* @param {boolean} fake - A boolean flag to reverse the math (human -> bytes).
* @return {string} humanSize - A string of a human readable size.
* @example var humanSize = noop.byte2human(4194304, false, false);
noop.byte2human = function(size, reverse, fake)
if (typeof size === 'string')
size = parseInt(size);
else if (typeof size === 'number')
size = size;
return size;
if (typeof reverse !== 'boolean')
reverse = false;
if (typeof fake !== 'boolean')
fake = false;
var factor = 1024;
var i = 0;
if (fake)
factor = 1000;
while (size >= factor && i < byte2humanUnitsLength_)
if (reverse)
size *= factor;
size /= factor;
return size.toFixed(2) + ' ' + byte2humanUnits_[i];
} // byte2human = function(size, reverse, fake)
* @summary Check that module exists.
* @function has
* @memberof noop
* @param {string} name - A module name.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating if the given module exists or not.
* @example var hasAjax = noop.has('ajax');
noop.has = function(name)
return noop.isObject(noop[name]);
}; // noop.has = function(name)
* @summary Test that the given value is an array.
* @function isArray
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isArray = noop.isArray([1, 2, 3]);
noop.isArray = function(x)
if (noop.isNull(x))
return false;
return noop.isType(x, 'object') && noop.isDefined(x.length);
}; // noop.isArray = function(x)
* @summary Test that the given value is a boolean.
* @function isBoolean
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isBoolean = noop.isBoolean(true);
noop.isBoolean = function(x)
if (noop.isString(x))
x = x.toLowerCase();
return x === 'true' || x === 'false';
return noop.isType(x, 'boolean');
}; // noop.isBoolean = function(x)
* @summary Test that the given value is defined.
* @function isDefined
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isDefined = noop.isDefined(null);
noop.isDefined = function(x)
return !noop.isUndefined(x);
}; // noop.isDefined = function(x)
* @summary Test that the given value is empty.
* @function isEmpty
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isEmpty = noop.isEmpty([]);
noop.isEmpty = function(x)
if (noop.isNull(x) || noop.isUndefined(x))
return true;
if (noop.isArray(x) || noop.isString(x))
return x.length === 0;
if (noop.isObject(x))
return Object.keys(x).length === 0;
return false;
}; // noop.isEmpty = function(x)
* @summary Test that the given values are equal.
* @function isEqual
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} a - The first value.
* @param {any} b - The second value.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isEqual = noop.isEqual(211, 211);
noop.isEqual = function(a, b)
if (typeof a !== typeof b)
return false;
if (noop.isArray(a))
return a.length === b.length && a.every(function(v, i)
return v === b[i]
if (noop.isObject(a))
return JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b);
return a === b;
}; // noop.isEqual = function(a, b)
* @summary Test that the given value is a float.
* @function isFloat
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isFloat = noop.isFloat(2.11);
noop.isFloat = function(x)
if (noop.isString(x))
return parseFloat(x) == x && x % 1 !== 0;
return noop.isNumber(x) && x % 1 !== 0;
}; // noop.isFloat = function(x)
* @summary Test that the given value is a function.
* @function isFunction
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isFunction = noop.isFunction(() => {});
noop.isFunction = function(x)
return noop.isType(x, 'function');
}; // noop.isFunction = function(x)
* @summary Test that the given value is an integer.
* @function isInteger
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isInteger = noop.isInteger(211);
noop.isInteger = function(x)
if (noop.isString(x))
return parseInt(x) == x && x % 1 === 0;
return noop.isNumber(x) && x % 1 === 0;
}; // noop.isInteger = function(x)
* @summary Test that the given value is NaN.
* @function isNaN
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isNaN = noop.isNaN(NaN);
noop.isNaN = function(x)
if (noop.isString(x))
return Number.isNaN(parseFloat(x));
if (noop.isNumber(x))
return Number.isNaN(x);
return true;
}; // noop.isNaN = function(x)
* @summary Test that the given value is null.
* @function isNull
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isNull = noop.isNull(null);
noop.isNull = function(x)
return x === null;
}; // noop.isNull = function(x)
* @summary Test that the given value is a number.
* @function isNumber
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isNumber = noop.isNumber(211);
noop.isNumber = function(x)
if (noop.isString(x))
return !noop.isNaN(x);
return noop.isType(x, 'number');
}; // noop.isNumber = function(x)
* @summary Test that the given value is an object.
* @function isObject
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isObject = noop.isObject({hello: 'World'});
noop.isObject = function(x)
return noop.isType(x, 'object') && !noop.isNull(x) && !noop.isDefined(x.length);
}; // noop.isObject = function(x)
* @summary Test that the given value is set.
* @function isSet
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isSet = noop.isSet(window.noop);
noop.isSet = function(x)
return noop.isDefined(x) && !noop.isNull(x);
}; // noop.isSet = function(x)
* @summary Test that the given value is a string.
* @function isString
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isString = noop.isString('Hello World!');
noop.isString = function(x)
return noop.isType(x, 'string');
}; // noop.isString = function(x)
* @summary Test that the given value is a symbol.
* @function isSymbol
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isSymbol = noop.isSymbol(Symbol());
noop.isSymbol = function(x)
return noop.isType(x, 'symbol');
}; // noop.isSymbol = function(x)
* @summary Test that the given value is a given type.
* @function isType
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @param {string} t - The type to be expected.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isType = noop.isType({}, 'object');
noop.isType = function(x, t)
return typeof x === t;
}; // noop.isType = function(x, t)
* @summary Test that the given value is undefined.
* @function isUndefined
* @memberof noop
* @param {any} x - The value to be tested.
* @return {boolean} - A boolean indicating the result of the test.
* @example var isUndefined = noop.isUndefined(undefined);
noop.isUndefined = function(x)
return !!noop.isType(x, 'undefined');
}; // noop.isUndefined = function(x)
* @summary Return name list of loaded NOOP modules.
* @function modules
* @memberof noop
* @return {array.<string>} - A name list of loaded NOOP modules.
* @example var modules = noop.modules();
noop.modules = function()
var l = Object.entries(this);
var o = [];
var c = 0;
for (const [k, e] of l)
if (!noop.isObject(e))
o[c] = k;
return o.sort();
// #endregion Public
} // (function(noop, undefined)
(window.noop = window.noop || new class NOOP{}));
// EOF